Art Education-308 Fall 2023

SEL Lesson Plan by Gwen Stein

308 Group Photo

Below is my cover letter written for an art position in the Northwood School District. This cover letter was created to teach us about cover letters and to help us understand how to tailor them to the specific school we are applying to. This taught us how to research the position we were applying for and helped us dip our toes into our future job preparations. 

To the left and below is my Social Emotional Learning Lesson and Project Sample. This lesson plan was done to brainstorm ways to bring Social Emotional Learning into the art classroom in a successful manner. These lesson plans were shared with the class to have a group of lessons for our futures.

To the right and above is  my trends presentation on Visual Culture Arts Education and a photo of me after my presentation. These presentation were to inform or remind our class about trends in art education so we could know what we use these trends today or why certain trends are outdated or don't fit with our teaching style. 

Below is my catalog of assessments. This is a list of assessments my classmates and I found with them sorted into summative and formative then I have comments on each one saying whether or not I would use or adapt them in my art classroom. This is important to see all different types of assessment and diversify the ways we will assess future students. 

Above and to the right is a video and the video script with citations for my philosophy of assessment. This is a short two minute video that helps me dress how I view assessment. This project was to have us bring everything that we learned about assessment into a concise relevant manner. This also brings in our personal beliefs and our views on assessment in the art classroom and how we will use them. 

Above and to the left is my tessellation project and the rubric that goes with this. This rubric was started with a partner then we changed it and revised it on our own. This was one of the first things we did in the class and was a way for us to see where we were at writing rubrics. We then could use this as a jumping off point and see what we still needed to learn for the rest of the class. 

This corse has assisted my journey into becoming a better art educator. I learned about different types of assessment and how to use assessment to improve and scaffold learning. I learned about trends in art education and social emotional learning. I also started to learn about getting the job and all the things we have to do to become practicing art educators.