Classroom Management & Studio Safety

Classroom management is a backbone of how a classroom is ran and set up. Learning the basics of classroom management will help me better my future teaching by giving me a head start into understand the complex intricacies of art of classroom management. Studio safety is also vital in a classroom because students need to be safe and understand how to keep themselves safe while they work with their art practice.

The time in my teacher preparation program has not only become a better teacher but a better learner as well. These three images are representations of myself as a learner. I focused on my ability to handle crisis throughout the years while learning mindfulness and social emotional learning. 

Elementary posters by Gwen Stein

Professional Responsibilities:

As teachers, it is our role to better ourselves as we expect our students to learn, we should learn similar things. It is also our job to have a firm understandings of our beliefs in how we manage a classroom. We must lead by example and hold firm to our beliefs to create a stable and nurturing environment.

Classroom Management Script

This video and script are my views on classroom management. This assignment helped me condense my learning and my views into one succinct  video. 

The physical space of a classroom has a lot of effect on a student. The posters, layout and even what is in the classroom have a big effect on how effective our teaching can be. Below are multiple aspects of the environment that we as teachers need to think about when thinking about our classroom management. 


This is an essay about what I learned about the history of classroom management. 

This document is a list of harmful materials and tools found in the art room and how I plan on keeping students safe around.

My Embedded Signature Assessment helped me to process the entirety of classroom management. I learned how to connect other educators to the idea of classroom management and learn from them. 

These are my safety posters. On the Left is the high school one and on the right is the two for elementary school. These posters taught me that it is important to not only tell students but provide reminders around the room to keep them safe. 


The planning that his required to create a compressive and inclusive classroom is a lot. This semester has helped me dip my toes into learning about how to plan and how to pick out and create a curriculum that is a benefit for all students. 

Above is my supply order. This is broken down by color for classes. This supply order helped me to understand how to compare prices and look at different products while working with a budget and a set number of students. 

The classroom layout and bitmoji above helped me to understand the work that goes into creating a space and presence both online and in person and how this affects the management of my future classroom.

This catalog of resources and discoveries for an inclusive art classroom taught me to look for certain ideals when choosing art projects. Above is a rosemaled piece I did that is similar to one of the lessons in this catalog. 

This syllabus has taught me how much work goes into creating just one course. This syllabus has also taught me how important it is to hold both teachers and students accountable. Included are sample works from when I was in my high school ceramics course.

This is a bulletin board I created and hung up. This showed me more about how to design and add verbiage to a bulitan board.